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Method and apparatus for controlling the flying height of the head in a magnetic storage unit. (1989).
Scanning tunneling microscopic techniques applied to roughness of silver surfaces. 1988 Intl Congress on Optical Science and Engineering 274–280 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1989).
Scanning near-field microscopies. 15th Int'l Optics in Complex Sys. Garmisch, FRG 480–484 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1990).
Inelastic tunneling excitation of tip-induced plasmon modes on noble-metal surfaces. Physical review letters 67, 3796 (1991).
Electron crystallography of organic molecules 203–215 (Springer Netherlands, 1991).
Enhanced photon emission from the STM: a general property of metal surfaces. Ultramicroscopy 42, 355–359 (1992).
The role of proximity plasmon modes on noble metal surfaces in scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface science 269, 556–559 (1992).
Tunneling characteristics at atomic resolution on close-packed metal surfaces. Ultramicroscopy 42, 528–532 (1992).
Isochromat spectroscopy of photons emitted from metal surfaces in an STM. Annalen Der Physik 505, 133–140 (1993).
Photon emission from transition metal surfaces in scanning tunneling microscopy. International Journal of Modern Physics B 7, 516–519 (1993).
Photon emission in scanning tunneling microscopy: Interpretation of photon maps of metallic systems. Physical Review B 48, 4746 (1993).
Photon emission in scanning tunneling microscopy: interpretation of photon maps of metallic systems. SPIE MILESTONE SERIES MS 107, 376–376 (1995).
Ultimate limits of fabrication and measurement. (Kluwer Academic, 1995).
Room-temperature repositioning of individual C60 molecules at Cu steps: Operation of a molecular counting device. Applied Physics Letters 69, 3016–3018 (1996).
Electromechanical transducer. (1998).
Epitaxially layered structure. (1999).
Parallel nanodevice fabrication using a combination of shadow mask and scanning probe methods. Applied physics letters 75, 1314–1316 (1999).
Synthesis of molecular-gripper-type dynamic receptors and STM-imaging of self-assembled monolayers on gold. Journal of Materials Chemistry 11, 2895–2897 (2001).
Complementary TEM and AFM force spectroscopy to characterize the nanomechanical properties of nanoparticle chain aggregates. Nano letters 4, 2287–2292 (2004).
Local nanomechanical motion of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Science 305, 1147–1150 (2004).
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Analysis of type IV pilus and its associated motility in Myxococcus xanthus using an antibody reactive with native pilin and pili. Microbiology 151, 353–360 (2005).
Methods and devices for determining a cell characteristic, and applications employing the same. (2005).
Nanoscale visualization and characterization of Myxococcus xanthus cells with atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, 6484–6489 (2005).
Time dependence of the frequency and amplitude of the local nanomechanical motion of yeast. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 1, 178–183 (2005).
Atomic force microscopy study of the structure–function relationships of the biofilm-forming bacterium Streptococcus mutans. Nanotechnology 17, S1 (2006).
Functional characterization of cell-wall-associated protein WapA in Streptococcus mutans. Microbiology 152, 2395–2404 (2006).
Resorcin [4] arene Cavitand-Based Molecular Switches. Advanced Functional Materials 16, 147–156 (2006).
Scanning tunneling microscope study of a local electronic state surrounding Mn nanoclusters on graphite. Japanese journal of applied physics 45, L469 (2006).
Self-organized and highly ordered domain structures within swarms of Myxococcus xanthus. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 63, 141–148 (2006).