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Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement 89–95 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Forces in Scanning Probe Methods 123–131 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Micro/Nanotribology and Its Applications 299–309 (Springer Netherlands, 1997).
Micromechanics: A toolbox for femtoscale science:“Towards a laboratory on a tip”. Microelectronic engineering 35, 373–379 (1997).
Manipulation of C 60 molecules on Cu (111) surfaces using a scanning tunneling microscope. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66, S669–S673 (1998).
Micromechanical Thermal Gravimetry Performed on one Single Zeolite Crystal. Helvetica Physica Acta 71, 3–4 (1998).
Micro Total Analysis Systems’ 9 117–120 (Springer Netherlands, 1998).