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In Situ STM Investigation of Aromatic Poly (azomethine) Arrays Constructed by “On-Site” Equilibrium Polymerization. Langmuir 28, 13844–13851 (2012).
Inelastic tunneling excitation of tip-induced plasmon modes on noble-metal surfaces. Physical review letters 67, 3796 (1991).
Isochromat spectroscopy of photons emitted from metal surfaces in an STM. Annalen Der Physik 505, 133–140 (1993).
Learning Abilities Achieved by a Single Solid-State Atomic Switch. Advanced Materials 22, 1831–1834 (2010).
Live cell interferometry reveals cellular dynamism during force propagation. ACS nano 2, 841–846 (2008).
Local nanomechanical motion of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Science 305, 1147–1150 (2004).
Localized nanoscopic surface measurements of nickel-modified mica for single-molecule DNA sequence sampling. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2, 3249–3256 (2010).
A low noise all-fiber interferometer for high resolution frequency modulated atomic force microscopy imaging in liquids. Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 023703 (2010).
Measurement of the intrinsic strength of crystalline and polycrystalline graphene. Nature communications 4, (2013).
Mechanical interferometry imaging for creep modeling of the cornea. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 8420–8424 (2011).
Mechanical Interferometry of Nanoscale Motion and Local Mechanical Properties of Living Zebrafish Embryos. American Chemical Society Nano (2009).
Mechanical interferometry of nanoscale motion and local mechanical properties of living zebrafish embryos. ACS nano 3, 2090–2094 (2009).
Memristive operations demonstrated by gap-type atomic switches. Applied Physics A 102, 811–815 (2011).
Molecular Cooperativity of Drebrin< sub> 1-300 Binding and Structural Remodeling of F-Actin. Biophysical journal 103, 275–283 (2012).
Morphological transitions from dendrites to nanowires in the electroless deposition of silver. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 465–469 (2013).
Nanocharacterization in dentistry. International journal of molecular sciences 11, 2523–2545 (2010).
Nanofilaments on glioblastoma exosomes revealed by peak force microscopy. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, 20131150 (2014).
Nanomechanical properties of glucans and associated cell-surface adhesion of Streptococcus mutans probed by atomic force microscopy under in situ conditions. Microbiology 153, 3124–3132 (2007).
Nanomechanical properties of piezoresistive cantilevers: Theory and experiment. Journal of Applied Physics 104, 103527 (2008).
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Observations of image contrast and dimerization of decacyclene by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The Journal of chemical physics 127, 174703 (2007).
On-demand nanodevice with electrical and neuromorphic multifunction realized by local ion migration. ACS nano 6, 9515–9521 (2012).
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Photon emission from transition metal surfaces in scanning tunneling microscopy. International Journal of Modern Physics B 7, 516–519 (1993).
Photon emission in scanning tunneling microscopy: Interpretation of photon maps of metallic systems. Physical Review B 48, 4746 (1993).
Photon emission in scanning tunneling microscopy: interpretation of photon maps of metallic systems. SPIE MILESTONE SERIES MS 107, 376–376 (1995).
Positional selectivity of reversible azomethine condensation reactions at solid/liquid interfaces leading to supramolecule formation. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 716, 145–149 (2014).
Quantitative nanostructural and single-molecule force spectroscopy biomolecular analysis of human-saliva-derived exosomes. Langmuir 27, 14394–14400 (2011).
Rapid, massively parallel single-cell drug response measurements via live cell interferometry. Biophysical journal 101, 1025–1031 (2011).
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Rigid microenvironments promote cardiac differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Science and technology of advanced materials 14, 025003 (2013).
The role of proximity plasmon modes on noble metal surfaces in scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface science 269, 556–559 (1992).
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Scanning tunneling microscope study of a local electronic state surrounding Mn nanoclusters on graphite. Japanese journal of applied physics 45, L469 (2006).
Self-organized and highly ordered domain structures within swarms of Myxococcus xanthus. Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 63, 141–148 (2006).
Sensory and short-term memory formations observed in a Ag2S gap-type atomic switch. Applied Physics Letters 99, 203108 (2011).
Short-term plasticity and long-term potentiation mimicked in single inorganic synapses. Nature materials 10, 591–595 (2011).