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Abstract B15: Cell motility and deformability in the pathogenesis of lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 20, B15–B15 (2014).
Nanofilaments on glioblastoma exosomes revealed by peak force microscopy. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, 20131150 (2014).
Correlative nanoscale imaging of actin filaments and their complexes. Nanoscale 5, 5692–5702 (2013).
Nano-hole induction by nanodiamond and nanoplatinum liquid, DPV576, reverses multidrug resistance in human myeloid leukemia (HL60/AR). International journal of nanomedicine 8, 2567 (2013).
Phenotypic characterization of the foldase homologue PrsA in Streptococcus mutans. Molecular oral microbiology 28, 154–165 (2013).
Correlative nanomechanical profiling with super-resolution F-actin imaging reveals novel insights into mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer cells. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 8, 757–766 (2012).
DNA builds and strengthens the extracellular matrix in Myxococcus xanthus biofilms by interacting with exopolysaccharides. PloS one 7, e51905 (2012).
Molecular Cooperativity of Drebrin< sub> 1-300 Binding and Structural Remodeling of F-Actin. Biophysical journal 103, 275–283 (2012).
Cellular nanomechanics as drug sensitivity marker for ovarian cancer. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 241, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011).
Quantitative nanostructural and single-molecule force spectroscopy biomolecular analysis of human-saliva-derived exosomes. Langmuir 27, 14394–14400 (2011).
Atomic force microscopy reveals drebrin induced remodeling of f-actin with subnanometer resolution. Nano letters 11, 825–827 (2010).
Nanocharacterization in dentistry. International journal of molecular sciences 11, 2523–2545 (2010).
Nanostructural and transcriptomic analyses of human saliva derived exosomes. PloS one 5, e8577 (2010).