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The reactions of oxygen and water with the rare-earth metals terbium to lutetium studied by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Surface Science 61, 468–482 (1976).
IOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 47, 404 (1977). (1977).
IOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 47, 404 (1977). (1977).
IOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 47, 404 (1977). (1977).
The reaction of oxygen and water with iron films studied by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Surface Science 62, 386–396 (1977).
X-ray photoelectron studies of scandium and its hydride and oxide. Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 7, L305 (1977).
XPS study of the interaction of nickel (II) ions with alumina. Journal of Catalysis 55, 250–254 (1978).
Electron spectroscopic investigations of the influence of initial-and final-state effects on electronegativity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 102, 4873–4879 (1980).
Integration of silicon micromechanical arrays with molecular monolayers for miniaturized sensor systems. Sensors and Their Applications VIII, Proceedings of the eighth conference on Sensors and their Applications, held in Glasgow, UK, 7-10 September 1997 7, 71 (1997).
A chemical sensor based on a micromechanical cantilever array for the identification of gases and vapors. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66, S61–S64 (1998).
Micro Total Analysis Systems’ 9 57–60 (Springer Netherlands, 1998).
AN ELECTRONIC NOSE BASED ON A MICROMECHANICAL CANTILEVER ARRAY. Micro Total Analysis Systems' 98: Proceedings of the Utas' 98 Workshop, Held in Banff, Canada, 13-16 October 1998 57 (1998).
Sequential position readout from arrays of micromechanical cantilever sensors. Applied Physics Letters 72, 383–385 (1998).
Sensor Technology in the Netherlands: State of the Art 33–42 (Springer Netherlands, 1998).
Comment on“Physical Picture for Light Emission in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”. Physical review letters 84, 2034–2034 (2000).
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Resorcin [4] arene Cavitand-Based Molecular Switches. Advanced Functional Materials 16, 147–156 (2006).
Scanning tunneling microscope study of a local electronic state surrounding Mn nanoclusters on graphite. Japanese journal of applied physics 45, L469 (2006).
Construction of Robust Bio-nanotubes using the Controlled Self-Assembly of Component Proteins of Bacteriophage T4. small 6, 1873–1879 (2010).
Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy of micro-fabricated electromechanical resonators: A novel, information-rich pulse method for sensor applications. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 147, 508–516 (2010).
Learning Abilities Achieved by a Single Solid-State Atomic Switch. Advanced Materials 22, 1831–1834 (2010).
Localized nanoscopic surface measurements of nickel-modified mica for single-molecule DNA sequence sampling. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2, 3249–3256 (2010).
Characterization of the first in-plane mode of AlN-actuated microcantilevers. SPIE Microtechnologies 80661G–80661G (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011).
Chemical wiring and soldering toward all-molecule electronic circuitry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 8227–8233 (2011).
Memristive operations demonstrated by gap-type atomic switches. Applied Physics A 102, 811–815 (2011).
Sensory and short-term memory formations observed in a Ag2S gap-type atomic switch. Applied Physics Letters 99, 203108 (2011).
Short-term plasticity and long-term potentiation mimicked in single inorganic synapses. Nature materials 10, 591–595 (2011).
Aligned carbon nanotube, graphene and graphite oxide thin films via substrate-directed rapid interfacial deposition. Nanoscale 4, 3075–3082 (2012).
. Biomimetics: Controlling the Synaptic Plasticity of a Cu2S Gap-Type Atomic Switch (Adv. Funct. Mater. 17/2012). Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3605–3605 (2012).
Controlling the Synaptic Plasticity of a Cu2S Gap-Type Atomic Switch. Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3606–3613 (2012).
Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks. Advanced Materials 24, 286–293 (2012).
Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks. Advanced Materials 24, 286–293 (2012).
On-demand nanodevice with electrical and neuromorphic multifunction realized by local ion migration. ACS nano 6, 9515–9521 (2012).
Unorganized Machines: Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks (Adv. Mater. 2/2012). Advanced Materials 24, 142–142 (2012).
Unorganized Machines: Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks (Adv. Mater. 2/2012). Advanced Materials 24, 142–142 (2012).
Morphological transitions from dendrites to nanowires in the electroless deposition of silver. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 465–469 (2013).
Morphological transitions from dendrites to nanowires in the electroless deposition of silver. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 465–469 (2013).
Rigid microenvironments promote cardiac differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Science and technology of advanced materials 14, 025003 (2013).
Synaptic plasticity and memory functions achieved in a WO3- x-based nanoionics device by using the principle of atomic switch operation. Nanotechnology 24, 384003 (2013).
A theoretical and experimental study of neuromorphic atomic switch networks for reservoir computing. Nanotechnology 24, 384004 (2013).
A theoretical and experimental study of neuromorphic atomic switch networks for reservoir computing. Nanotechnology 24, 384004 (2013).
A theoretical and experimental study of neuromorphic atomic switch networks for reservoir computing. Nanotechnology 24, 384004 (2013).