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Complementary TEM and AFM force spectroscopy to characterize the nanomechanical properties of nanoparticle chain aggregates. Nano letters 4, 2287–2292 (2004).
Cellular nanomechanics as drug sensitivity marker for ovarian cancer. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 241, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011).
Characterization of ocular tissues using microindentation and hertzian viscoelastic models. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 3475–3482 (2011).
Chemical wiring and soldering toward all-molecule electronic circuitry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 8227–8233 (2011).
Controlling the Synaptic Plasticity of a Cu2S Gap-Type Atomic Switch. Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3606–3613 (2012).
Correlative nanomechanical profiling with super-resolution F-actin imaging reveals novel insights into mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer cells. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 8, 757–766 (2012).
Correlative nanoscale imaging of actin filaments and their complexes. Nanoscale 5, 5692–5702 (2013).