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Stable and metastable reconstructions at the C sub 60/Au (110) interface. Surf. Sci.(The Netherlands) 331, 1129–1135 (1994).
Stable and metastable reconstructions at the C< sub> 60/Au (110) interface. Surface science 331, 1129–1135 (1995).
Supramolecular assembly of individual C 60 molecules on a monolayer of 4, 4′-dimethylbianthrone molecules. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66, S745–S748 (1998).
Templating a face-centered cubic (110) termination of C< sub> 60. Surface science 367, L79–L84 (1996).
Transition from tunneling to point contact investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. Surface Science 189, 15–23 (1987).