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Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement 189–196 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement 189–196 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Micro Total Analysis Systems’ 9 57–60 (Springer Netherlands, 1998).
Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement 89–95 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Forces in Scanning Probe Methods 123–131 (Springer Netherlands, 1995).
Micro Total Analysis Systems’ 9 117–120 (Springer Netherlands, 1998).
Impact of Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopy on Materials Research 339–357 (Springer Netherlands, 1999).
Near Field Optics 333–340 (Springer Netherlands, 1993).
Memristor Networks 173–209 (Springer International Publishing, 2014).
The nanomechanical NOSE. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 1999. MEMS'99. Twelfth IEEE International Conference on 9–13 (IEEE, 1999).
15 Immunological Biosensors. The Immunoassay Handbook 265 (2005).
Abstract B15: Cell motility and deformability in the pathogenesis of lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 20, B15–B15 (2014).
An artificial nose based on a micromechanical cantilever array. Analytica Chimica Acta 393, 59–65 (1999).
Atomic force microscope observation of branching in single transcript molecules derived from human cardiac muscle. Nanotechnology 19, 384021 (2008).
Atomic-scale characterization of graphene grown on copper (100) single crystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 12536–12543 (2011).
Characterization of ocular tissues using microindentation and hertzian viscoelastic models. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 3475–3482 (2011).
Characterization of ocular tissues using microindentation and hertzian viscoelastic models. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 3475–3482 (2011).
A chemical sensor based on a microfabricated cantilever array with simultaneous resonance-frequency and bending readout. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 77, 122–131 (2001).
A chemical sensor based on a micromechanical cantilever array for the identification of gases and vapors. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66, S61–S64 (1998).
A chemical sensor based on a micromechanical cantilever array for the identification of gases and vapors. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66, S61–S64 (1998).
Chemical wiring and soldering toward all-molecule electronic circuitry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 8227–8233 (2011).
Combination of single crystal zeolites and microfabrication: Two applications towards zeolite nanodevices. Microporous and mesoporous materials 21, 403–409 (1998).
Comment on" Single Crystals of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Formed by Self-Assembly". Science 300, 1236–1236 (2003).
Cooperative self-assembly of Au atoms and C 60 on Au (110) surfaces. Physical review letters 72, 1036 (1994).
CSIS-181 Section 1346. (Submitted).
Direct determination of the energy required to operate a single molecule switch. Physical review letters 90, 066107 (2003).
Direct observation of individual nanometer-sized light-emitting structures on porous silicon surfaces. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 23, 197 (1993).
DNA builds and strengthens the extracellular matrix in Myxococcus xanthus biofilms by interacting with exopolysaccharides. PloS one 7, e51905 (2012).
AN ELECTRONIC NOSE BASED ON A MICROMECHANICAL CANTILEVER ARRAY. Micro Total Analysis Systems' 98: Proceedings of the Utas' 98 Workshop, Held in Banff, Canada, 13-16 October 1998 57 (1998).
AN ELECTRONIC NOSE BASED ON A MICROMECHANICAL CANTILEVER ARRAY. Micro Total Analysis Systems' 98: Proceedings of the Utas' 98 Workshop, Held in Banff, Canada, 13-16 October 1998 57 (1998).
Electrostatic force microscopy as a broadly applicable method for characterizing pyroelectric materials. Nanotechnology 23, 235701 (2012).
Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks. Advanced Materials 24, 286–293 (2012).
Forces with submolecular resolution between the probing tip and Cu-TBPP molecules on Cu (100) observed with a combined AFM/STM. Applied Physics A 72, S105–S108 (2001).
High-speed atomic force microscopy of dental enamel dissolution in citric acid. Archives of histology and cytology 72, 209–215 (2009).
High-speed atomic force microscopy of dental enamel dissolution in citric acid. Archives of histology and cytology 72, 209–215 (2009).
Identifying individual DNA species in a complex mixture by precisely measuring the spacing between nicking restriction enzymes with atomic force microscope. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9, 2341–2350 (2012).
Image Analysis and Length Estimation of Biomolecules Using AFM. Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16, 1200–1207 (2012).
Investigations of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe< sub> 80 B< sub> 20 by STM, XPS and AES. Journal of non-crystalline solids 116, 253–261 (1990).
Investigations of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe< sub> 80 B< sub> 20 by STM, XPS and AES. Journal of non-crystalline solids 116, 253–261 (1990).
Micromechanical Thermal Gravimetry Performed on one Single Zeolite Crystal. Helvetica Physica Acta 71, 3–4 (1998).
Morphological transitions from dendrites to nanowires in the electroless deposition of silver. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 465–469 (2013).
Nanoprobe Fourier-transform photoabsorption spectroscopy using a supercontinuum light source. Microscopy and Microanalysis 18, 591–595 (2012).
Nanoprobe Fourier-transform photoabsorption spectroscopy using a supercontinuum light source. Microscopy and Microanalysis 18, 591–595 (2012).