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Journal Article
Berndt, R. et al. Atomic resolution in photon emission induced by a scanning tunneling microscope. Physical review letters 74, 102 (1995).
Gimzewski, J. K., Humbert, A., Bednorz, J. G. & Reihl, B. A comparative study of coldly-and warmly-condensed Ag films by scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface Science 162, 961–964 (1985).
David, T., Gimzewski, J. K., Purdie, D., Reihl, B. & Schlittler, R. R. Epitaxial growth of C 60 on Ag (110) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and tunneling spectroscopy. Physical Review B 50, 5810 (1994).
Reihl, B. & Gimzewski, J. K. Field emission scanning Auger microscope (FESAM). Surface Science 189, 36–43 (1987).
Gaisch, R. et al. Internal structure of C60 fullerence molecules as revealed by low-temperature STM. Applied Physics A 57, 207–210 (1993).
Gaisch, R. et al. Internal structure of C60 on Au (110) as observed by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2153–2155 (1994).
Reihl, B., Coombs, J. H. & Gimzewski, J. K. Local inverse photoemission with the scanning tunneling microscope. Surface Science 211, 156–164 (1989).
Reihl, B. et al. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Physica B: Condensed Matter 197, 64–71 (1994).
Gaisch, R. et al. Low-temperature ultra-high-vacuum scanning tunneling microscope. Ultramicroscopy 42, 1621–1626 (1992).
Berndt, R. R. J. K. B. R. R. W. D. M. et al. Photon emission at molecular resolution induced by a scanning tunneling microscope. Science 262, 1425–1427 (1993).
Coombs, J. H., Gimzewski, J. K., Reihl, B., Sass, J. K. & Schlittler, R. R. Photon emission experiments with the scanning tunnelling microscope. Journal of Microscopy 152, 325–336 (1988).
Berndt, R. et al. Photon emission from adsorbed C60 molecules with sub-nanometer lateral resolution. Applied Physics A 57, 513–516 (1993).
Gimzewski, J. K., Reihl, B., Coombs, J. H. & Schlittler, R. R. Photon emission with the scanning tunneling microscope. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 72, 497–501 (1988).
Humbert, A., Gimzewski, J. K. & Reihl, B. Postannealing of coldly condensed Ag films: Influence of pyridine preadsorption. Physical Review B 32, 4252 (1985).
Gimzewski, J. K., Humbert, A., Bednorz, J. G. & Reihl, B. Silver films condensed at 300 and 90 K: scanning tunneling microscopy of their surface topography. Physical review letters 55, 951 (1985).
Reihl, B., Gimzewski, J. K., Nicholls, J. M. & Tosatti, E. Unoccupied electronic states of graphite as probed by inverse-photoemission and tunneling spectroscopy. Physical Review B 33, 5770 (1986).