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Element-Specific Contrast in STM via Resonant Tunneling. APS March Meeting Abstracts 1, 1908 (1996).
Scanning tunneling microscopy of surface microstructure on rough surfaces. SPIE MILESTONE SERIES MS 107, 249–249 (1995).
Nanostructuring of porous silicon using scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2067–2069 (1994).
Photon spectroscopy, mapping, and topography of 85% porous silicon. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2064–2066 (1994).
Photon Spectroscopy, Mapping, and Topography of 85-Percent Porous Silicon. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2064–2066 (1994).
Direct observation of individual nanometer-sized light-emitting structures on porous silicon surfaces. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 23, 197 (1993).
Ph. DUMAS*, M. GU*, C. SYRYKH*, F. SALVAN*,* GPEC, URA CNRS 783, Fac. de Luminy, 13288, Marseille Cedex 9, France. Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon Structures: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Meylan, France, March 1-3, 1993 244, 157 (1993).
Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon Structures 157–162 (Springer Netherlands, 1993).
Spatially resolved electrical measurements of SiO2 gate oxides using atomic force microscopy. Applied physics letters 62, 786–788 (1993).
Theoretical aspects and experimental results of STM studies in polar liquids. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3, S121 (1991).
Impurity recycling and retention on Au and C surfaces exposed to the scrape-off layer of the TCA tokamak. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 4, 90–96 (1986).
Impurity recycling and retention on Au and C surfaces exposed to the scrape-off layer of the TCA tokamak. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 4, 90–96 (1986).
Scanning tunneling microscopy of nanocrystalline silicon surfaces. Surface Science 168, 795–800 (1986).
Scanning tunneling microscopy of surface microstructure on rough surfaces. IBM journal of research and development 30, 472–477 (1986).
Surface Topography Studies Of Nanocrystalline Si by STM. 29th Annual Technical Symposium 98–101 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1986).
A comparative study of coldly-and warmly-condensed Ag films by scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface Science 162, 961–964 (1985).
Postannealing of coldly condensed Ag films: Influence of pyridine preadsorption. Physical Review B 32, 4252 (1985).
Silver films condensed at 300 and 90 K: scanning tunneling microscopy of their surface topography. Physical review letters 55, 951 (1985).
Core-level electron–electron coincidence spectroscopy. Review of scientific instruments 55, 696–711 (1984).
Scrape-off measurements during Alfvén wave heating in the TCA tokamak. Journal of Nuclear Materials 121, 22–28 (1984).
Scrape-off measurements during Alfvén wave heating in the TCA tokamak. Journal of Nuclear Materials 121, 22–28 (1984).