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Cuberes, M. T., Schlittler, R. R. & Gimzewski, J. K. Repositioning of C\_60 molecules on surfaces at room temperature. APS March Meeting Abstracts 1, 2505 (1997).
Gimzewski, J. K. Room temperature molecular recognition and manipulation on an individual basis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 74, 9–9 (WISSENSCHAFTLICHE VERLAG MBH BIRKENWALDSTRASSE 44, POSTFACH 10 10 61, 70009 STUTTGART, GERMANY, 1997).
Cuberes, M. T., Schlittler, R. R. & Gimzewski, J. K. Room temperature supramolecular repositioning at molecular interfaces using a scanning tunneling microscope. Surface science 371, L231–L234 (1997).