
Found 388 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Rasool, H. I. & Gimzewski, J. K. Understanding graphene growth on copper substrates. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 243, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2012).
Stieg, A. Z. et al. Unorganized Machines: Emergent Criticality in Complex Turing B-Type Atomic Switch Networks (Adv. Mater. 2/2012). Advanced Materials 24, 142–142 (2012).
Rasool, H. I. et al. Atomic-scale characterization of graphene grown on copper (100) single crystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 12536–12543 (2011).
Vesna, V. & Gimzewski, J. Blue Morph: Reflections on Performance of Self Organized Criticality 2011. Art Inquiry 285–292 (2011).
Victoria, V. & James, G. BLUE MORPH: REFLECTIONS ON PERFORMANCE OF SELF ORGANIZED CRITICALITY (Blue Morph: uwagi o dzialaniu samoorganizujacej sie zmiany krytycznej (self-organized criticality)). Przegląd Kulturoznawczy 154–160 (2011).
Vesna, V. & Gimzewski, J. Blue Morph: uwagi o działaniu samoorganizującej się zmiany krytycznej (self-organized criticality=. Przegląd Kulturoznawczy 154–160 (2011).
Reed, J. et al. Cells in motion: live cell interferometry (LCI). ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 241, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011).
Sharma, S., Santiskulvong, C., Rao, J., Dorigo, O. & Gimzewski, J. K. Cellular nanomechanics as drug sensitivity marker for ovarian cancer. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 241, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011).
Yoo, L. et al. Characterization of ocular tissues using microindentation and hertzian viscoelastic models. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 3475–3482 (2011).
Ruiz, V. et al. Characterization of the first in-plane mode of AlN-actuated microcantilevers. SPIE Microtechnologies 80661G–80661G (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011).
Okawa, Y. et al. Chemical wiring and soldering toward all-molecule electronic circuitry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 8227–8233 (2011).
Grintsevich, E. E., Sharma, S., Gimzewski, J. K. & Reisler, E. Cooperative binding of drebrin to actin filaments. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 22, (AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY 8120 WOODMONT AVE, STE 750, BETHESDA, MD 20814-2755 USA, 2011).
Cross, S. E., Jin, Y. - S., Lu, Q. - Y., Rao, J. & Gimzewski, J. K. Green tea extract selectively targets nanomechanics of live metastatic cancer cells. Nanotechnology 22, 215101 (2011).
Yoo, L., Reed, J., Gimzewski, J. K. & Demer, J. L. Mechanical interferometry imaging for creep modeling of the cornea. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52, 8420–8424 (2011).
Hasegawa, T. et al. Memristive operations demonstrated by gap-type atomic switches. Applied Physics A 102, 811–815 (2011).
Sharma, S., Gillespie, B. M., Palanisamy, V. & Gimzewski, J. K. Quantitative nanostructural and single-molecule force spectroscopy biomolecular analysis of human-saliva-derived exosomes. Langmuir 27, 14394–14400 (2011).
Reed, J. et al. Rapid, massively parallel single-cell drug response measurements via live cell interferometry. Biophysical journal 101, 1025–1031 (2011).
Ohno, T. et al. Sensory and short-term memory formations observed in a Ag2S gap-type atomic switch. Applied Physics Letters 99, 203108 (2011).
Ohno, T. et al. Short-term plasticity and long-term potentiation mimicked in single inorganic synapses. Nature materials 10, 591–595 (2011).
Hsueh, C., Reed, J. & Gimzewski, J. K. Single molecule gene expression profiling using atomic force microscopy. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 241, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011).
Tanoue, R. et al. Thermodynamically controlled self-assembly of covalent nanoarchitectures in aqueous solution. ACS nano 5, 3923–3929 (2011).
Sharma, S., Grintsevich, E. E., Phillips, M. L., Reisler, E. & Gimzewski, J. K. Atomic force microscopy reveals drebrin induced remodeling of f-actin with subnanometer resolution. Nano letters 11, 825–827 (2010).
Vesna, V. & Gimzewski, J. K. Blue morph: metaphor and metamorphosis. Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia 1403–1404 (ACM, 2010).
Yokoi, N. et al. Construction of Robust Bio-nanotubes using the Controlled Self-Assembly of Component Proteins of Bacteriophage T4. small 6, 1873–1879 (2010).
Rasool, H. I. et al. Continuity of graphene on polycrystalline copper. Nano letters 11, 251–256 (2010).
R Wali, P. et al. Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy of micro-fabricated electromechanical resonators: A novel, information-rich pulse method for sensor applications. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 147, 508–516 (2010).
Putterman, S. E. T. H., Gimzewski, J. K. & Naranjo, B. B. High energy crystal generators and their applications. (2010).
Hasegawa, T. et al. Learning Abilities Achieved by a Single Solid-State Atomic Switch. Advanced Materials 22, 1831–1834 (2010).
Hsueh, C., Chen, H., Gimzewski, J. K., Reed, J. & Abdel-Fattah, T. M. Localized nanoscopic surface measurements of nickel-modified mica for single-molecule DNA sequence sampling. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2, 3249–3256 (2010).
Rasool, H. I., Wilkinson, P. R., Stieg, A. Z. & Gimzewski, J. K. A low noise all-fiber interferometer for high resolution frequency modulated atomic force microscopy imaging in liquids. Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 023703 (2010).
Ghoneum, M., Ghoneum, A., Tolentino, L. & Gimzewski, J. Modulation of aged murine T lymphocytes in vivo by DPV576-C, a nanodiamond-and nanoplatinum-coated material. in vivo 24, 141–146 (2010).
Sharma, S. et al. Nanocharacterization in dentistry. International journal of molecular sciences 11, 2523–2545 (2010).
Wilson, L., Cross, S., Gimzewski, J. & Rao, J. Nanocytology: a novel class of biomarkers for cancer management. IDrugs: the investigational drugs journal 13, 847–851 (2010).
Ghoneum, M., Ghoneum, A. & Gimzewski, J. Nanodiamond and nanoplatinum liquid, DPV576, activates human monocyte-derived dendritic cells in vitro. Anticancer research 30, 4075–4079 (2010).
Palanisamy, V. et al. Nanostructural and transcriptomic analyses of human saliva derived exosomes. PloS one 5, e8577 (2010).
Yokoi, N. et al. Protein engineering: Construction of Robust Bio-nanotubes using the Controlled Self-Assembly of Component Proteins of Bacteriophage T4 (Small 17/2010). Small 6, (2010).
Sharma, S. et al. Structural-mechanical characterization of nanoparticle exosomes in human saliva, using correlative AFM, FESEM, and force spectroscopy. ACS nano 4, 1921–1926 (2010).
Lekka, M. & Laidler, P. Applicability of AFM in cancer detection. Nature nanotechnology 4, 72–72 (2009).
Petrou, I. et al. A breakthrough therapy for dentin hypersensitivity: how dental products containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate work to deliver effective relief of sensitive teeth. Journal of Clinical Dentistry 20, 23 (2009).
Baller, M. K. et al. Cantilever sensors and transducers. (2009).
Pelling, A. E., Wilkinson, P. R., Stringer, R. & Gimzewski, J. K. Dynamic mechanical oscillations during metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 6, 29–37 (2009).
Cross, S. E. et al. Evaluation of bacteria-induced enamel demineralization using optical profilometry. dental materials 25, 1517–1526 (2009).
Pyne, A. et al. High-speed atomic force microscopy of dental enamel dissolution in citric acid. Archives of histology and cytology 72, 209–215 (2009).
Sharma, S. et al. Influence of substrates on hepatocytes: a nanomechanical study. Journal of Scanning Probe Microscopy 4, 7–16 (2009).
Reed, J., Schmit, J., Han, S., Wilkinson, P. & Gimzewski, J. K. Interferometric profiling of microcantilevers in liquid. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 47, 217–222 (2009).
Ramakrishnan, S., Reed, J., Schmit, J. & Gimzewski, J. K. Mechanical Interferometry of Nanoscale Motion and Local Mechanical Properties of Living Zebrafish Embryos. American Chemical Society Nano (2009).
Reed, J., Ramakrishnan, S., Schmit, J. & Gimzewski, J. K. Mechanical interferometry of nanoscale motion and local mechanical properties of living zebrafish embryos. ACS nano 3, 2090–2094 (2009).
Rao, J. et al. Nanomechanical Analysis of Urothelial Cells as a Marker for Bladder Cancer. CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY 117, 369–370 (JOHN WILEY & SONS INC 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA, 2009).
Teitell, M. A., Gimzewski, J. K. & Reed, J. C. OPTICAL CYTOMETRY. (2009).
Cross, S. E. et al. AFM-based analysis of human metastatic cancer cells. Nanotechnology 19, 384003 (2008).
