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Morphological transitions from dendrites to nanowires in the electroless deposition of silver. Crystal Growth & Design 13, 465–469 (2013).
Nanocharacterization in dentistry. International journal of molecular sciences 11, 2523–2545 (2010).
Nanocharacterization in dentistry. International journal of molecular sciences 11, 2523–2545 (2010).
Nanofilaments on glioblastoma exosomes revealed by peak force microscopy. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, 20131150 (2014).
Nano-hole induction by nanodiamond and nanoplatinum liquid, DPV576, reverses multidrug resistance in human myeloid leukemia (HL60/AR). International journal of nanomedicine 8, 2567 (2013).
Nanomechanical properties of glucans and associated cell-surface adhesion of Streptococcus mutans probed by atomic force microscopy under in situ conditions. Microbiology 153, 3124–3132 (2007).
Nanomechanical properties of glucans and associated cell-surface adhesion of Streptococcus mutans probed by atomic force microscopy under in situ conditions. Microbiology 153, 3124–3132 (2007).
Nanoscale visualization and characterization of Myxococcus xanthus cells with atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, 6484–6489 (2005).
Nanostructural and transcriptomic analyses of human saliva derived exosomes. PloS one 5, e8577 (2010).
Nanostructuring of porous silicon using scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2067–2069 (1994).
Nanostructuring of porous silicon using scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2067–2069 (1994).
Observation of a chemical reaction using a micromechanical sensor. Chemical Physics Letters 217, 589–594 (1994).
Observation of a new Au (111) reconstruction at the interface of an adsorbed C< sub> 60 overlayer. Chemical physics letters 213, 401–406 (1993).
Observation of local photoemission using a scanning tunneling microscope. Ultramicroscopy 42, 366–370 (1992).
Observation of mass transport on Au (110)-(1$\times$ 2) reconstructed surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface Science Letters 247, A213 (1990).
Observation of mass transport on Au (110)-(1$\times$ 2) reconstructed surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy. Surface Science 247, 327–332 (1991).
Observation of the temporal evolution of the (1 times 2) reconstructed Au (110) surface using scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena;(United States) 9, (Submitted).
Observation of the temporal evolution of the (1$\times$ 2) reconstructed Au (110) surface using scanning tunneling microscopy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 9, 897–901 (1991).
Observations of image contrast and dimerization of decacyclene by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The Journal of chemical physics 127, 174703 (2007).
Near Field Optics 333–340 (Springer Netherlands, 1993).
Near Field Optics 333–340 (Springer Netherlands, 1993).
Near Field Optics 333–340 (Springer Netherlands, 1993).
ORGN 414-Folding polyrotaxanes using secondary noncovalent bonding interactions. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 235, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2008).
ORGN 414-Folding polyrotaxanes using secondary noncovalent bonding interactions. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 235, (AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2008).
Parallel nanodevice fabrication using a combination of shadow mask and scanning probe methods. Applied physics letters 75, 1314–1316 (1999).
Performance advances in interferometric optical profilers for imaging and testing. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 10, 064001 (2008).
Phenotypic characterization of the foldase homologue PrsA in Streptococcus mutans. Molecular oral microbiology 28, 154–165 (2013).
Phenotypic characterization of the foldase homologue PrsA in Streptococcus mutans. Molecular oral microbiology 28, 154–165 (2013).
Photon emission at molecular resolution induced by a scanning tunneling microscope. Science 262, 1425–1427 (1993).
Photon emission at molecular resolution induced by a scanning tunneling microscope. Science 262, 1425–1427 (1993).
Photon emission experiments with the scanning tunnelling microscope. Journal of Microscopy 152, 325–336 (1988).
Photon emission experiments with the scanning tunnelling microscope. Journal of Microscopy 152, 325–336 (1988).
Photon emission from adsorbed C60 molecules with sub-nanometer lateral resolution. Applied Physics A 57, 513–516 (1993).
Photon emission from adsorbed C60 molecules with sub-nanometer lateral resolution. Applied Physics A 57, 513–516 (1993).
Photon emission from small particles in an STM. Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 26, 87–88 (1993).
Photon emission scanning tunneling microscope. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 9, 573–577 (1991).
Photon emission with the scanning tunneling microscope. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 72, 497–501 (1988).
Photon spectroscopy, mapping, and topography of 85% porous silicon. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2064–2066 (1994).
Photon spectroscopy, mapping, and topography of 85% porous silicon. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2064–2066 (1994).
Photon spectroscopy, mapping, and topography of 85% porous silicon. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 2064–2066 (1994).